What is a labeling Standard?
A labeling standard uses a set of criteria or requirements to define good business practice or performance, be it environmental, social, quality, safety, health, technical, or ethical, etc. Credible standards oversee certified performance, most often through accreditation bodies, ensuring that audits are consistent and the results are globally recognised. Standards are a management tool with the power to transform supply chains and even show the way to sustainability. Standards sometimes use some form of incentive to move producers up the ladder of performance from entry level standards, with lower but meaningful performance requirements, to higher performance standards with bigger rewards.
What is the CARBON CONTROL™ Standard?
The CARBON CONTROL™ Standard is a set of criteria defining reductions in carbon emissions reduction good energy performance in an organisation. The CARBON CONTROL™ Standard can be implemented by producers, companies, governments, financial institutions, etc. It helps consumers find the right organisations to buy from, filtering out the products achieving from those not achieving it and, very importantly, bringing about better production practices and driving long term sustainability improvements. As an incentive, organisations that comply with the criteria are awarded the distinctive CARBON CONTROL™ trademark to communicate with customers, consumers, stakeholders, etc. The CARBON CONTROL™ mark confirms the carbon reduction achievements of an organisation.
How to get the CARBON CONTROL™ Standard?
To achieve the CARBON CONTROL™ Standard and be awarded the CARBON CONTROL™ mark of approval an organisation must meet three specific CARBON CONTROL™ criteria for reducing CO2 emissions.
These criteria are:
1. a reduction of 3% or more in annual emissions
2. the implementation of an approved CO2 Energy Management System
3. evidence of previous initiatives to reduce carbon emissions
How are the criteria or requirements for a standard set?
Standards are relevant if they address important practice or performance challenges in a sector. Using good science and referencing international agreements, their criteria need to be measurable and objective so that meaningful assessments are possible. The standard needs to be adaptable to local conditions so that it works well in any part of the world, or in any type of eco-system. Standard setters need to recognize that setting a credible standard is a dynamic process, so they must review and improve their standards every few years.
How was the CARBON CONTROL™ Standard set?
CARBON CONTROL™ has been set by an experienced team of environmental researchers, academics and industry experts. The team engages with a wide range of stakeholders in a transparent and accountable standard setting process. The CARBON CONTROL™ standard setters know that it is the quality of the CARBON CONTROL™ standard setting process and the relevance of the standard that determines who commits to implementing the standard. The CARBON CONTROL™ standard is relevant and rigorous in addressing critical energy saving challenges based on sound science and meaningful carbon emissions reduction requirements that deliver impact.
What makes a Standard credible?
At the heart of any standard is the standard itself and it provides the guidebook for people to act responsibly. The most credible standards are developed openly and transparently with interested stakeholders given many ways to contribute and to help make decisions. To be a credible standard, products achieving the standard should be created fairly and sustainably and not in ways that jeopardise basic human rights, or threaten the environment.
How is the credibility of CARBON CONTROL™ assured?
The CARBON CONTROL™ Standard is open and transparent, and the standard setting involves broad and balanced stakeholder input. These include standard setters, certification clients, auditors and a variety of stakeholders and partners, who provide input to the standard, enhance the capacity of organisations to meet it and influence others to support it. Together these stakeholders ensure that theCARBON CONTROL™ Standard provides a complete package that ensures compliance with better energy savings and carbon reduction practices.
To reflect good practice, the CARBON CONTROL™ Standard is reviewed and improved on an ongoing basis. Moreover, CARBON CONTROL™ has a certification program and uses independent auditors to verify that organisations are compliant. Emissions and energy audits are performed using the robust CARBON CONTROL™ Emissions Performance Tool and CARBON CONTROL™ Energy Management Assessment Form. Finally, CARBON CONTROL™ measures its impact in order to evaluate and improve the standard over time.